The season is upon us. A time of tradeshows and events, excitement to connect with customers and vendors, scouring the tradeshow floor for leads, and anxiously anticipating your customer’s reactions as you announce new product launches or improvements. You have invested time and money into...
They are for strategy too! Using a strategy is much like using a map. You can see how you are going to get from A to B, and you can prepare yourself for the journey. If you were to hike a trail, you could pack the proper equipment, train for the climb and ensure you had enough food and water.
Posted December 04, 2017
strategic thinking
The number one goal for most companies is growth: sales growth, team growth, or product growth. As an entrepreneur, you are constantly asking yourself what it will take to level up and you may have considered hiring a consultant to get there faster. Maybe you need aid in strategic planning, project...