Call for Support: National Innovation Ecosystem for Geospatial

Written by TECTERRA | Oct 1, 2019 4:57:21 PM



This past June, the Government of Canada announced a new stream of funding under the Strategic Innovation Fund that focuses on ecosystems from Canada’s most dynamic sectors to support competitiveness and economic growth. Stream 5: National Ecosystems was designed to support high-impact collaborations among SMEs, large corporations, academia, and non-profits. If approved, the funding would help accelerate commercialization, develop new technologies and create new jobs.

For us at TECTERRA, we thought that sounded all too familiar – our mission states just that. Since 2010, we’ve been a leader in enabling the commercialization of innovative technologies that create economic value. With this in mind, we decided to apply for Stream 5 funding under the Strategic Innovation Fund for geospatial technology development.

This first step in doing this, is uniting the industry. If you work in the geospatial technology space, you know that it is a very broad field because of the many applications and uses. Geospatial technologies are often paired with other digital technologies like artificial intelligence, cloud systems, and the internet of things to create additional insights and value. With an industry so vast, we saw an opportunity to unite the companies who shape and utilize these technologies everyday through the Stream 5 funding application.

At this early stage, we are looking for companies from across Canada to join the National Innovation Ecosystem for Geospatial. By joining us, you’ll be listed in our application for Stream 5 funding, have access to collaboration initiatives, and if approved, the ability to utilize funds for your project through the funding program.

You can read more about the initiative, including forecast budget and outcomes, as well as how to participate here.

“Our government is investing in national innovation ecosystems that are bringing together Canada’s best companies, researchers and incubators. Together, we will build on our many strengths to accelerate commercialization, develop new technologies, scale up businesses and create more jobs right across the country.”

– The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development